Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Marie Antoinette A Young Age - 1553 Words

Outline Title: Marie Antoinette Thesis: Marie Antoinette may have been queen at a young age, but it was certainly short lived. As a social, outgoing, and energetic young woman, she was completely different from her shy, inconsistent, pre-chosen husband. She spent an irrational amount of money that lead to her reputation’s ultimate downfall. As time went on the king and queen were captured and when they tried to escape, they would just be captured again. King Louis’ indecisiveness and Marie’s recklessness ultimately caused them their lives. I. Introduction (1st and 2nd slides) a. Thesis: Marie Antoinette may have been queen at a young age, but it was certainly short lived. As a social, outgoing, and energetic young woman, she was completely different from her shy, inconsistent, pre-chosen husband. She spent an irrational amount of money that lead to her reputation’s ultimate downfall. As time went on the king and queen were captured and when they tried to escape, they would just be captured again. King Louis’ indecisiveness and Marie’s recklessness ultimately caused them their lives. b. Marie Antoinette was married at the age of 15 and became queen at the age of 19. She loved spending money on pointless things even though France was suffering from bad harvests and high taxes. The people grew to despise her and said terrible things about her. They blamed her for everything even though it wasn’t her fault and in the peoples rage, they started the French Revolution. After that,Show MoreRelatedEssay on Marie-Antoinette1384 Words   |  6 PagesMaria Antonia Josepha Joanna, later known as Marie-Antoinette, was born on 02 November 1755. At 13 years of age, Marie was sent to France to begin her relationship with the Dauphin of France, Louis XVI. In 1770, at the age of 15, she and the Louis XVI were married in Vienna, then taking the throne in 1774. 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